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MOOC: Switzerland in Europe – Money, Migration and other difficult matters

In times of economic uncertainty and increasing migration within Europe, the relationship between Switzerland and the European Union (EU) is severely tested. Located in the west of the European continent, Switzerland is a small but wealthy country, which is surprisingly not a member of the EU. Did you ever wonder what the reasons for this are? And have you ever thought about what legal conditions govern this exceptional relationship?

In this free online course, we will attempt to answer some key questions, including:

What is the general place of Switzerland in the ‘legal (and political) landscape’ of Europe?
What effect does the special situation of Switzerland have for the debate in other countries on issues such as taxation and migration?

Fach: Wirtschaft; Recht | Verfasser: Christa Tobler | Produktion: New Media Center der Universität Basel | Jahr: 2016 |

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MOOC: Switzerland in Europe – Money, Migration and other difficult matters
MOOC: Switzerland in Europe – Money, Migration and other difficult matters
MOOC: Switzerland in Europe – Money, Migration and other difficult matters