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Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology

The learning software "Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology – A training course with a virtual microscope” allows beginners to gain experience in diagnosing the most important helminth and protozoan diseases of humans. For this purpose, one can gain basic knowledge through short overviews of parasites, diseases, diagnostic methods and strategies. Even more important, one can train diagnostic capabilities using a virtual microscope. The course leads the student from basic training to more complicated diagnostic exercises. Our purpose is to facilitate a first approach to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. This programme cannot replace working with a real microscope or consulting diagnostic textbooks and atlases.

Fach: Gesundheit, Sport & Medizin; Natur & Technik; Studium & Lehre | Verfasser: Weiss, Niklaus | Beitragende: Pelikan, Joachim | Jahr: 2007 |

Technische Einschränkungen
Englisch Bild Kurs Tutorial
Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology
Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology
Introduction to Diagnostic Medical Parasitology