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Congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease is the most frequent birth defect accounting for approximately 1% of newborns. Not only for parents but also for students and even cardiologists the anatomy of complex forms of congenital heart disease is difficult to understand. Explaining the anatomy and pathophysiology of these complex diseases remains challenging. This website contains a collection of the various forms of congenital heart disease that easily describes the defects. The diagrams are drawn in a standardized fashion in order to better understand the different lesions.

Fach: Gesundheit, Sport & Medizin; Studium & Lehre | Verfasser: Tobler, Daniel | Förderer: Doz-Wahl Fachschaft Medizin Basel | Produktion: New Media Center der Universität Basel | Jahr: 2015 |

Englisch Bild
Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease