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MOOC: Statistical Shape Modelling - Computing the Human Anatomy

Statistical shape models are one of the most important technologies in computer vision and medical image analysis. With this technology, the computer learns the characteristic shape variations of an object or organ. The model resulting from this analysis may then be used in implant design, image analysis, surgery planning and many other fields.

In this free online course, you will get insights from mathematics, statistics and machine learning, in order to address practical problems, as well as a theoretical and practical introduction to the open source software Scalismo.

This software is used today for the automatic detection of organs in medical images or the design of medical implants. You will come to a point where you can use your acquired skills and knowledge for real-world professional applications or academic research.

Fach: Natur & Technik | Verfasser: Marcel Lüthi, Ghazi Bouabene | Produktion: New Media Center der Universität Basel | Jahr: 2016 |

Englisch Bild Kurs Simulation Tutorial Video
MOOC: Statistical Shape Modelling - Computing the Human Anatomy
MOOC: Statistical Shape Modelling - Computing the Human Anatomy
MOOC: Statistical Shape Modelling - Computing the Human Anatomy